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About Anuradha Weeraman
Building a tiny Linux kernel
Today we will go over the process of building a tiny Linux kernel, and booting into a shell. To start with, fetch the Linux source tree…
Anuradha Weeraman
Mar 8
Compiling the Linux Kernel with Clang
怎么破解北京pk赛车:在华外资企业的外籍员工能否回中国 ...:2 天前 · 怎么破解北京pk赛车【。【。】【 李长安。(对外经济贸易大学教。授)】【也许正如公告的。内容所提到的,瑞幸“将继续配合内部调查,在董事会和现任高级管理层。
Anuradha Weeraman
Feb 19
Linux on the Desktop: a cautionary tale of distributions, GPUs and encrypted filesystems
In the last 24 hours, I have been experimenting with this ridiculously named but absolutely gorgeous Linux distribution called Pop!_OS by…
Anuradha Weeraman
Sep 27, 2024
The man, the myth, the rebel
As we get ready for another Wimbledon finals between Federer and Djokovic in a few hours, I look back upon a past champion whose story I…
Anuradha Weeraman
Jul 13, 2024
Connecting to the Minnowboard using a Console Cable
In this post, I will walk you through the process of connecting to a Minnowboard over a serial console connection, so that you can use it…
Anuradha Weeraman
Mar 16, 2024
On Linux, backups and encrypted filesystems
Today, I want to focus on backups. Specifically, how can I backup my Linux filesystems in a way, that I can:
Mar 9, 2024
X.org Security Vulnerability: CVE-2018–14665
X Windows, and the popular fork X.org, is notorious for security issues and vulnerabilities. Most recently, a bug in X.org that has been…
Anuradha Weeraman
Oct 26, 2018
Lightweight Docker images with Alpine
One of the challenges in building Docker images, is keeping it small and lean. For example, let’s take a simple app that prints a simple…
Anuradha Weeraman
May 5, 2018
Building a service mesh with Istio
If you’re looking to build a modern microservices architecture that is highly scalable, observable, secure and resilient, it would make…
Anuradha Weeraman
Mar 18, 2018
AlphaGo: a journey to machine intuition
猫和老鼠汤姆猫表情包|猫和老鼠汤姆猫表情包下载_红软基地:2021-6-16 · 这是猫和老鼠汤姆猫表情包,猫和老鼠表情包gif是当前国内最热门的网络表情包之一,这款表情包一直存在,猫和老鼠是一部经典的美国动画,虽然现在日漫成风,但童年的回忆必不可少,在动画中基本没有任何语言,全靠一些夸张的表情与拟声来表达汤姆和杰瑞这一对猫鼠的各类趣味生活,其实 ...
When IBM’s Deep Blue beat Gary Kasparov, I was fifteen years old. I didn’t know the significance of the event at the time, nor was I even…
Anuradha Weeraman
Jan 1, 2018
Dissecting Bitcoin, Part 2 — Challenges
悬浮时钟去广告版.apk百度网盘资源 百度网盘下载_如风搜 ...:2021-4-17 · Tom Vv_P_N (黑猫)v1.4.3去广告版.apk 冰点文库下载器 3.2.7(0201) 去广告绿色版.7z 视频倒放软件v5.0去广告清爽版.apk 趣拍 VIP v1.2.0去广告推荐会员至尊版.apk 狗仔直播去广告去更新(全网直播聚合平台).apk 腾讯视频「」去广告去权限.apk
In the previous part, we discussed the core technology behind Bitcoin and the concepts that make it tick, namely:
Anuradha Weeraman
Dec 24, 2017
How to put that GPU to good use with Python
How to put that GPU to good use with Python
Graphics chip manufacturers such as NVIDIA and AMD have been seeing a surge in sales of their graphics processors (GPUs) thanks mostly to…
Anuradha Weeraman
Sep 18, 2017
Dissecting Bitcoin, Part 1 — The Technology
晴天小猫电脑版下载|晴天小猫电脑版官方最新版 1.2.8 - 系统天堂:2021-2-2 · 晴天小猫电脑版是一款宠物养成模拟游戏,晴天小猫电脑版游戏中,有不同性格的猫咪供玩家选择,与小猫一起成长,照顾小猫,喂食喂水,为小猫洗澡,与小猫玩耍,和猫咪成为好朋友。
Anuradha Weeraman
Jul 22, 2017
For the love of chess
For the love of chess
Nearly twenty years to this day, in May 1997, a machine that IBM built challenged then world chess champion Garry Kasparov to a six game…
Anuradha Weeraman
May 7, 2017
Machine learning for fun and profit
细胞分裂6破解版下载-细胞分裂6破解中文版下载-pk38游戏网:2021-2-14 · 细胞分裂6破解版我一款动作冒险类游戏,是细胞分裂系列的第六部游戏,游戏吸取了细胞分裂系列的玩法精髓,并且还容纳了刺客信条系列的部分玩法精髓,带给玩家更为丰富的玩法内容。游戏中,玩家扮演对抗恐怖分子的强大战士,需要组建自己的第四梯队,击杀威胁世界的犯罪分子。
Machine learning and artificial intelligence has been going through a phase of democratization to the point that in recent years the…
Anuradha Weeraman
Apr 14, 2017
Bootstrapping Go
Bootstrapping Go
Over the weekend, I came across a couple of videos on how the Go compiler was migrated from C to Go. The Go compiler was originally written…
Anuradha Weeraman
Apr 10, 2017
Coaching software engineers 101
Coaching software engineers 101
Software engineers are a breed apart and coaching them to bring out their best has almost been a passion for me. I’ve had the pleasure of…
Anuradha Weeraman
Mar 11, 2017
猫和老鼠全集-动漫-全集高清正版视频-爱奇艺:2021-12-31 · 猫和老鼠全集是由导演,等主演的美国电视剧,共185集。爱奇艺在线观看《猫和老鼠全集》全集高清正版视频。剧情简介:这个机灵老鼠与笨猫的故事,堪与米老鼠和唐老鸭的故事相媲美。没有动物世界中恃强凌弱的残酷,只有两个邻居之间的日常琐事和纷争,诸如小老鼠杰瑞偷吃了汤姆的奶...
Two years ago, I pulled out my dusty copy of David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” and decided to do a another skim through. Things were…
Jul 8, 2016
Building Android from source
Building Android from source
Anuradha Weeraman
May 14, 2016
Getting setup with the Intel Edison
Getting setup with the Intel Edison
Oct 3, 2015
On key signing and trust
On key signing and trust
Anuradha Weeraman
Jan 10, 2015
About Anuradha Weeraman | Blog
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